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Our clients receive massage for many reasons but here are the top 3:

1: Stressed out - Receiving massage can get you out of your headspace because it reconnects you with your physical body. Massage therapists don’t judge, so know that you are in a safe space where you can let go of your stress and thoughts for awhile.

2: Chronic Pain - Due to work, accidents, not so great postural habits (we ALL have them) our bodies can get stuck in certain patterns of movement or the absence of movement that cause pain. An educated massage therapist can help to realign those tissues into a better functioning, more fluid body. It’s not a one time fix usually, but REGULAR massage can keep you moving and pain free between your sessions.

3: Recovery - Sprained an ankle, frozen shoulder, recovering from breast cancer surgery, whiplash? All of these are something that happened to an otherwise functioning person that could use some focused massage work to bring you back to homeostasis. Specially trained massage therapists have the know how to work with these issues and bring them back to as close to normal as your body will allow.